Tuesday, May 30, 2006

No Pain, No Gain

I just had a thought, see what you think...

You know when you make a decision to do something like...quit smoking,lose weight, stop swearing...and then...BAM...something happens and you go back to what you've always done. Well, I started thinking about this in the form of exercise. In order to see improvement you have to work your muscles harder so you need to put more stress on them in order for them to get stronger. I think that's what happens in our walk with God.
Someone said that when you make a decision to follow Jesus, usually you get tested after. Something in your life happens that's difficult, do you lean on Jesus and continue to follow Him or go back to the way you were?
I remember this happening every time I tried to quit smoking. Eventually I anticipated the terrible incident that would "cause" me to start smoking again (who could blame me after all). I think I might have even started a fight or two with my husband just so I had an excuse to start again (hanging my head in shame). The funny thing is that when you begin again and know that you can get through that last thing (fighting with my husband) without giving up, something different, that you weren't expecting, happens.
"Will you serve me even through this?" So many times I didn't and I will probably fail again, but each time God helps me to my feet and I get stronger in my relationship with Him and I remember that He's there to lean on and help me through.

When these times happen I like to sing:
Refiner's fire
My heart's one desire
Is to be holy
Set apart for you Lord
I choose to be holy
Set apart for you my Master
Ready to do your will

I love that song. I think we sang it on Sunday...maybe that's why I'm remembering it right now, but I do like to sing it when I'm passing through the flames. The pain is for a purpose, like labour, or exercise.


1 comment:

dawn2454 said...

That is a really nice song Mo. Nice you can remember to sing it during those times of going thro' the flames. Sounds like you are learning a lot and growing.