I have discovered a new web site! http://sparkpeople.com It is sooo cool.
Okay, (surprise, surprise) it's about eating better and exercise. They ask you a bunch of questions when you sign up and then determine how many calories and other nutrients you need in a day, based on your activity level, how much you want to lose etc. (I increased my daily calories by 300, I thought their suggestion was a little low for me)
Then (this is the cool part) they give you a meal plan. You can substitute individual foods, (if you don't eat, or want them) or an entire meal. The meals are so balanced too. There's cookies and icecream!! They even have really yummy recipes.
I hesitated sharing this with you because sometimes these sites just get a bunch of people to sign up for free then tell you that it's getting costly so now it costs $19.97 per month. But this company has a non-profit arm, and this is it.
Check it out, really.
(Am I the only person in the world that gets excited about nutrition and exercise?)
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