I'm so sick of those nanny t.v. shows that tell parents how to do it better.
It seems to be the direction parenting is going. I don't watch Dr. Phil anymore because I can't stand his parenting advise.
Why aren't there reality shows with kinder, gentler parenting teachers. People who will show the control freak parents that there's a better way.
I just watched a nanny show that showed the poor mother crying as the father took his daughter into the bedroom because she wouldn't sit and eat at the table properly. The child screamed for 5 minutes while the mom tried to reason with the nanny and ask why this was necessary. The nanny blamed the mom for her 2 year olds screams. She claimed that this had to happen so that the father could be apart of this child's life as well. The child was after all with her father who loved her.
I'm surrounded by people who think this kind of parenting is good for children and of course better for them.
I'm apalled, I'm sad for these children and I want to hold up my children as wondrful examples of children who were raised without that kind of parenting, but I feel like they're looking at my cluttered home, my still young and clingy 3 year old and my neglected husband. I feel like they see my life and shake their heads and wonder how I could let these children control my life. I look at the end of these parenting shows where children are angels and everyone's smiling. I look at parents that gleefully leave their children for the weekend to spend time together. Did I make a mistake? Did I sacrifice for nothing? In the end don't our children turn out the same anyway?
Barbara Colorrosso, Dr. Sears please do a parenting show for me so that I know it was worth it. I feel like everyone's ganging up on me.
Yes! Your kids are better off! No! You're not making a mistake! You're giving your children what they need! Your an example of good parenting, even if outsiders don't see the positive results for another decade.
I hate those shows, too. And I hate watching parents around me treat their children like animals. We don't believe in treating animals that badly! (Yes, my cat was attachment parented, too.)
My son asked me the other day why our neighbors were going to the circus and we weren't. That was a hard one. We simply don't share their values. If it's okay to hit your kids in order to train them to a particular behavior, why shouldn't it be okay to abuse animals in the same way? *Sigh*...
Nice to see you blogging. :)
Thank you Amanda. It's nice to know I'm not alone in this crazy world.
Sometimes I feel like I'm starting over again, trying to convince everyone around me of my parenting choices, even my husband. It makes me question if I'm doing the right thing at all.
hey mo. I've seen your kids. You guys are sure doing something right.
i think i'm from the school of common sense. not that that is all that common or that i am the poster child or anything.
l. and i let ours cry but only as far as common sense allowed.
i'm no parenting pro but we've all seen kids too scared to move cause their parents are Nazi's and we've all seen kids who tell there parents what they will not be having for breakfast as they throw it accross the room, cause they have been taught that all they have to do is cry and mom will come and nurture.
the challenge is to raise good kids who know the value of being part of a healthy family. where they are a welcome addition to the family but not the center of it. (as dad wonders when he lost his wife to a screaming kid)
I'm glad you are struggling to find balance between all the parts of your life as wife and mom and homemaker and child of God.
Keep on wrestling and know that your kids are doing great.
Thanks for your kind words Friar.
I contemplated your response at length, and realize that my posts (originally intended to vent my point of view, not very christian) are probably judgmental and offensive. I prayed about our decision to parent this way and for our family, I believe it was the best choice. What I dislike is only one way is presented to parents in alot of cases.
You and Luana are also doing an amazing job with your wonderful children. I'm glad that method of parenting works for you, I pray that it will continue to with your new bundle, it certainly makes life easier when they sleep when they're supposed to.
You are a wonderful babysitter. I would hire you anytime.
jen you crack me up. you free on thursday?
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