I'm a christian. What does that mean? That I hate homosexuals? That I'm some kind of biggot? That I'm intolerant of others differences?
You are a homosexual. Does that mean that you can't be a christian? Does that mean that your life was chosen or were you born that way? Do you go from partner to partner spreading diseases? Do you speak with a lisp and try to look feminine to attract a masculine guy? Or are you female and try to look more masculine?
I don't hate homosexuals. I may be homophobic though, afraid of what I don't understand. And I'm probably also intolerant in a variety of areas, though I don't think that's something to be completely ashamed of.
So what is homosexuality? Is it simply being attracted to the opposite sex? I can see the allure. I am a woman, I would feel safer in a relationship with another woman, being a woman she would want to be in a relationship, she would understand what it was like to be a woman, we would understand and know how to please each other physically. It would be nice and safe.
I'm sure that a heterosexual relationship is different than a homosexual relationship. The dynamics are different, we have to learn and try to understand the opposite sex if we want the relationship to continue. We also have to understand the person and where they fall on the masculine and feminine scale.
I can see that I could be a lesbian, easily. I could be attracted to women. Women are beautiful and nurturing, I could embrace that lifestyle and once I did I would defend it without question because I am gay. I would have alot of support from those in my community. As well as celebrities and government leaders and teachers. I could be angry about the bigotry of those that think that my relationship with my girlfriend is wrong.
There would be christian fanatics though, that would say terrible things to me, claiming that I should never marry my girlfriend because it makes heterosexual marriage less valuable. Hilarious, how valuable is it anyway? People get divorced daily, there is no sacred marriage.
Yes, I can see where they're coming from. It's safer and easier and seems right, because it feels right, but does that make it right? Is that for me to say? I don't know.
Due to the choices and influences in my life, I am a heterosexual wife and mother. I'm sure that could have been different at any point in my sexual development and difficult to let go of once I started down that path.
I'm sure I have more to learn, just thinking out loud.
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