Friday, March 03, 2006

My Birthday Present

My birthday is a week and a bit away. I was just telling my husband how I usually get a wonderful birthday present from God every year...a taste of spring.
I just checked the long range forcast on the weather network. Guess what? That's right, a taste of spring, double digits. Thanks God! He loves me soooo much!


Stephenie said...

Happy Birthday Mo!

dawn2454 said...

Hope your Birthday turns out to be a great one Mo. That's great news to hear that spring might actually be around the corner. I believe I did hear something about some warmer temperatures by the end of the week. Kewl.

mo said...

Thanks to all! I'm really looking forward to the warm weather and getting away with my husband (his birthday's the day before mine).
Thank for the song Jen!

dawn2454 said...

So we won't be seeing you this Sunday? Sure hope you have a great weekend whatever you do.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to both you and Sanford.