Tuesday, January 17, 2006

I've had this idea in my head for quite awhile, years, almost decades.
I used to really like my job, I was a housekeeper at an old age home. It was a mindless job. Me and God had lots of conversations as I cleaned toilets. One day as we were talking I was thinking about judgments and how people that I knew were judged by people without knowing anything about their lives. As I prayed about this I realized that I did the same thing, many times. The strangers splashed across the headlines, the teacher at school, the angry bully.
I started thinking about these people differently, with some compassion (when I remembered).

This thought came to me the other day. There's a 300lb woman who decided on the first of the year to lose weight, to get healthy. She started to eat properly and went for a daily stroll. She kept reminding herself of her goal. She failed many times, she ate an entire chocolate cake once, but slowly she lost 100lbs. She felt good and she thought she looked good. People that knew her complimented how well she was doing, some thought she was losing too much weight.
One day she was walking down the street and she passed two women talking together, as she passed she could hear one woman say to the other "I hope I never get that fat" The woman was devastated and wondered when her efforts would produce any results. When really, they already had. She improved her health, she was happier, she had inspired many people around her, but these women didn't know that, because they couldn't see how far she'd come.

There's so many people that have a bigger story than what we see and have come much further than we realize, they have farther to go, but they've come so far already. Did you have 150lbs of sin to lose or only 10? I wonder which is more difficult to give up.


The Reverend said...

Nicely put!
Makes you think really hard about things.

mo said...

This especially, is what God has been showing me throughout my christian walk "don't judge people because you really don't know what they're going through, only God does.
All we can really do is ask God to show us who they are and what we can do.
I want to love everyone, and judge no one. That's my goal.