After much thought, I've decided to go public and let those that are in my day- to- day life know that I have a blog.
I'm usually pretty secretive about my life and my thoughts, it keeps me from being openly rejected. Actually, what I've found is that the more secretive and stand-offish you are, the more people are uncomfortable around you and they ultimately reject you anyway.
So here I thoughts, the good and the bad, the wierd and the not so wierd, all of it.
Reject or accept me at will.
Hurray! So glad you let us all be a part of the fun.
Welcome to the world of Blogging Mo. Just found out that you had stepped out and let it be known that you had one. Hey, I'm sure not going to reject you. I think you're a sweet, kind, and a wonderful person, and I love your family.
Hope the work on the roof is coming along. Wish I could have done more to help, but this old body of mine doesn't seem to work that good most days.
What you did to help was so great. It made me feel so much better when you got there. Thank you so much.
I think you're great too, I'm so happy that I've found you.
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